Hi ladies!
I have "home from vacation brain" over here because it took me several embarrassing minutes to think of how to start the first post I have written in several weeks.
For a second there I was going to try to be funny and combine several of my blogger greetings and as a result of this I am sitting at my computer laughing at my not so funny self at the random stuff I was coming up with. Comedic genius over here?
bladies = blogger+ladies
blogga = blogger+holla
blagsta = blogger+gangster
bleeple = blogger+people
Yeah, I may be the only one laughing and my skills.
And after all that time all I ended up with was.. "hey ladies"..
I sound like a creeper at a college bar.
Now that I have compiled my thoughts in to a creepy comedy I will announce with sadness that I am now home from my vacation.
The suitcases are put away, the car is washed and I am on day 3 of work post vacation.
I definitely am dealing with the home from vacation blues.
However, our week was simply amazing.
Vodka cranberry.
Fire pit.
Ice cream.
It was anything and everything that a vacation should be.
A week of fun at a cabin in the woods.
Adorable, right?? // Cabin #6 // Sleep's Cabins, Sandpoint, Idaho
I will be back tomorrow and Friday with my fabulous vacation recap and will be sharing way too many pictures of our week of fun!
Till tomorrow bladies :)