Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday Topics

This week of Tuesday Topic's was an easy one! Nine pictures of me and my husband!
Here are some of my favorite pictures of us that have been captured in the last 6 years.

Life. Love.Lauren

Monday, May 20, 2013

Dirty Girl Mud Run

Dirty Girl Mud Run is done and I am a happy girl!
Thank you all for the sweet and encouraging words on Friday.
You helped calm my nerves and were a great boost of confidence.
I did not run all that much (or as much as I should have) - but felt good about what I accomplished.
The small goals I had set for myself were successfully reached and I am excited about that.
My biggest goal was not to freak out at the beginning - and I didn't.. I was nervous but relaxed.
That helped me out so much. It was a great way to start.
We were in the first heat of the day, starting at 8:00. Let me tell you, that was the BEST decision.
Our heat only had 50 or so people and the course was not a muddy disaster yet.
99% of the time we were alone on the course. It was great.
Dirty Girl was a great beginning race for me.
There was not a lot of pressure or competition.
It was not timed.
There were women of all shapes and sizes.
Everyone was there to have fun.
Here is to many more happy 5k's in my future.
Thank you all for believing in me.


Friday, May 17, 2013

Pity Party For One

I had one of those emotionally exhausting weeks.
Work, personal life, self-confidence.. yeah, all of that was difficult.
So I started having a pity party for myself.
A pity party for one.
Get it over it Kathleen.
My recipe last night to get over the "BS" of my crazy week and to move on from the things that brought me down were.. a long walk with J and the pups, a treadmill walk while watching Real Housewives of Orange County, long prayer before bedtime and a great night of sleep.
It's Friday and this girl is feeling refreshed!
I knew I had to snap out of this funk I have been in because tomorrow I have my Dirty Girl 5k Mud Run and I have been pretty nervous for it. My last 5k I attempted to run several weeks ago was a major fail. Like such a big fail there is no way to find the good in the race (if you can even call it that).. I had mentally prepared for the run and thought I would be able to hold my own with a few stops along the way... I was excited, motivated and ready, but when the race officially started I had a panic attack. Minutes in I stopped, started crying, my breathing was off and I could barely walk the race. This is not normal people!!
The only bright side was that I finished the "race".. with a time that was way worse then my normal walking pace. Simply pathetic that day was for me.
I need to get myself in the zone for tomorrow and to convince myself that I CAN succeed. I need to BELIEVE in myself and have fun with this 5k. And when I do complete the run I WILL celebrate with a celebratory drink in the beer garden - morning drinking at its finest!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why I Blog

This blog is small, but has turned in to something way more then I thought it would.
The timing of this post is perfect, because this week marks my "one year blogging anniversary" of Somethin' Bout a Truck and I love what this space has turned into for me.

First off, I am shocked that I kept up this blog for one full year.
I have started so many blogs and have quit writing after three posts.
This time it was different. I was writing for me.
And a few people started following along.
These mysterious bloggers turned into friends.

 One reason that keeps me coming back for more is the support, motivation, excitement and love that my friends through SBT have given me. This space is a space for me to be me, to feel encouraged and to never feel judged. A place where I can laugh, cry, vent, fail and be picked right back up.
This space exists because of all of you.

Sending Tiffany some hugs and love this week as she prepares to welcome baby Elliott.
Tiffany was my first "reader" on blogger and I believe we started our blogs right around the same time - I am so thankful for her! From her answering my annoying blogging questions to finding out she was expecting and watching her pregnancy progress - I am so glad to have her as a friend.
Can't wait for you and Cody to become a family of three.

The Austin Family Diary

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


This girl is FINALLY on Instagram.
Come find me: Kathleene11


Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

The sun was shining bright this weekend in Washington.
Like the 80+ degree sort of sun.
Sunscreen, shorts, books and sunglasses accompanied me this weekend.
Perfection it was.
Hope you had a happy Cinco De Drinko!