Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday Topics

I have the travel bug really bad right now.
Dreaming of a warm vacation crosses my mind multiple times a day but the realization of a long winter ahead quickly becomes my reality.
So for now I will dream and enjoy my occasional fake n' bake "staycation" in good 'ol Washington and supplement by body with the proper amounts of vitamin D it needs!

Luckily today's Tuesday Topic (hosted by the wonderful Lauren and Tiffany) is "If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be"...
In a heartbeat I would go on my honeymoon over and over again. We went to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico and it was the most amazing place.  I had never traveled to this part of Mexico and it was so amazing being on the Caribbean side. 

If I could go anywhere in the world that I have never gone AND money was no issue I would definitely go to Bora Bora and stay in one of the bungalows on the water.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tell Me About It Tuesday

I am SO excited to be co-hosting one of my new favorite link-ups Tell Me About It Tuesday! 

Stop by and share any recent post! The only thing that is asked of you is to copy the button box below linking back to us and to follow the hosts! These girls are wonderful and I love following their blogs - I know you will too!

Newlywed Moments

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Random Ramblings

I watched Football yesterday. Aren't ya proud?

Washington State University vs. University of Washington.


It made me think of all my Southern blog friends - because you girls represent when it comes to the game. When I read your weekend recap posts during football season you girls always look adorable. Perfect hair, perfect make up, perfectly color coordinated outfits - ya'll seem to know exactly what you are doing and rock it. 

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving - I sure did. It was great spending the day with family, eating delicious food and relaxing!

This is me in Kindergarten! What a cute pilgrim I was!

I have so many things to be truly thankful for and I need to spend more time giving thanks. It breaks my heart thinking of those who spend the holiday season alone.. spend some extra time practicing patience, smiling at a stranger, buying someone coffee.. You never know someones life situation and I just wish we all could be friends.

Four day weekends should be the normal. I wish,

Tomorrow I am making these yummy energy bites! I made them years ago but Pinterest reminded me of these treats.. and they are SO easy to make!

Today I had a personal training session at the gym. I explained to him that I am loving all the workouts he is teaching me but I hate how self conscious I feel when I am in the middle of the room for everyone to watch.  He reassured me everyone else felt the same way and were only paying attention to themselves - which I do believe. BUT of all the things he makes me do after our conversation... He made me do this ab workout called the DEAD BUG???!!!!! 

Basically you alternate your arms and legs each rep and flap around looking like a struggling bug??? Talk about feeling self conscious......

I just watched the movie Country Strong. I was impressed by miss Blaire Waldorf's (Leighton Meester) singing skills. Pretty decent movie for a Black Friday deal at Target! 

And now I am off to decorate our Christmas tree!! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

21.5 Lost

I was a lazy bum these last two weeks.

Still had the determination.

But the motivation, yeah that was lacking.

Monday night was my third weigh in since I started the Biggest Loser program at my gym on October 8th (we weigh in every two weeks) and I am offically down 21.5 pounds! I have to say I was pretty nervous going in to the weigh in because I did not try hard at all these last two weeks and I was really hoping I would get to 20 pounds down - and I did! YAHOO!

The food part was hard, the working out was hard.. everything about this was tough, not fun and I could not get myself motivated.

I went to a seminar over the weekend on getting through the holiday season with food. It was great! They gave us a great "day after detox" that I will have to share with you all - it will definately help clean me out from the salt and alcohol consumed!

My goal in place for the remainder of the competition (ends October 10th) is to kick some serious ass and give it my all. I want to loose a solid ten pounds more so I need to get my mind in the game and keep on!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday

A warm meal.
A warm house.
All things we take for granted.

Last night I had such an amazing and humbling experience - I was able to cook and serve dinner for the residents of Tent City that are currently residing at my church. The night was wonderful and I can't stop thinking about it.
When I was a teenager I was very involved with my youth group and outreach in my community.  I feel as I have gotten older I have used my "busy schedule" as an excuse and have not made volunteer work a priority.  After last night, I know I need to do more. 
I loved getting my friends together to do something good for my community.  A simple task such as cooking dinner - something we all do every night - for people that needed it felt rewarding and made me realize that my "life problems" are not so big in life's bigger picture. As the holiday season approaches it makes me want to do more for others and give more of my time to make someones holiday season merry and bright.
Today I am thankful for good friends that helped made last nights dinner possible. I couldn't have done it without you. 
Tonight when you go home and have dinner, climb in to a comfortable bed and heated house be sure you give thanks and count your blessings for all of the things you have. 
*Tent City 4 is a homeless encampment of up to 100 people created in May 2004 in eastern King County outside of Seattle. Residents are adult men and women, although there is a provision for quartering minor dependents in emergency situations. Residents may have their own tents or single men or women may stay in gender specific community tents. Dumpsters and portable toilets are provided and there is a portable shower. The community currently relocates every three to four months on the property of Eastern King County churches upon invitation. Proponents state that the average length of residency per inhabitant is six weeks, with fewer long-term than short-term members. via

Thankful Thursday
The Fontenot Four

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday Topics

Linking up with Tiffany and Lauren for Tuesday Topics! Today is all about my blog identity!

Here I go...

When did you start blogging? I started blogging this past June.  I am relatively new to the whole blogging world and am loving it!

What's something you readers know about you? I would hope that my readers see that I am honest and real. That life is hard - but with a positive attitude life is an adventure. I love trying new things, being motivated and working hard.  My family and husband mean everything to me.

What can't you live without? Memories, pictures. I am such a sentimental person and cherish special moments in life. Taking pictures and holding on to that memory means so much to me. Smells, sounds, feelings - I love remembering it all. 

What inspires your blog posts? My inspiration is easy - day to day life. 

What do you do when you feel uncreative? Honestly, I just skip out on a post. My posting is not to gain a huge following but to be real and inspiring. If I skip out on a day of posting it is because I have nothing amazing to say :)

How has blogging hanged you? I love this question. It gives me a creative edge and a reason to write. Really, as an adult I do not have a list of reasons to write for fun other then at work.. so blogging is a time for me to just play around with words and if people like hearing from me even better! I love that I have made some dear friends in the blogging community and hope to one day meet some. You all are wonderful.

What advice do you have for new bloggers? We all start with zero followers. Write from your heart. Have fun with blogging. Be real. 

What blogs inspire you? I will list a few out for you!

Brandi at Mama Laughlin - My fitness guru, health and motivation guru. I love, love, love Mama! She has wrote some beautiful posts that have me in tears because they are so real and I can relate to a lot she has to say. Her voice on weight loss is raw, honest and blunt. 

Erin at The Sunnyside Up - Erin is one of the reasons I started blogging. At first, she was my daily check in because her writing, organization and life are entertaining. She made me want to document parts of my life through a blog and I thank her for giving me the boost of confidence to do so. She is freaking amazing at organizing and is a wonderful Mom. The advice she has given on motherhood is inspiring and I hope I can be a great Mom just like her someday. Her family is lucky to have her! 

Kelle Hampton at Enjoying the Small Things - She is an amazing writer and so creative.  The messages I get from her writing are absolutely amazing. She is so inspirational. 

And some daily favorites: 

Weekend Update

The weekend always goes way to fast.
I wish my weekdays went faster and my weekends would slow down.  
Nonetheless, this past weekend was a great one.
We were able to have a very relaxing weekend which we do not get often. Saturday we started some early Christmas shopping! It always feels a lot less overwhelming for me when I spread my shopping up between several paychecks rather then one big spree right before Christmas! Now I am collecting the last of my Black Friday coupons and will be ready for round two of shopping come next week (can't believe next week is already Thanksgiving, crazy!!)
John and I have slowly been looking at houses for the last several months but do not plan on buying until May-July. Well, what started as a wrong turn on our way to our shopping destination - may have ended up being the turn to our new home. Way more to come on that..
With that wrong turn came a lot of deep conversation Saturday night. We went to a local Italian restaraunt and discussed a lot of topics over pizza and wine. The night was wonderful. John and I were on the same page on so many different topics and it felt nice and right.
Sunday was perfectly relaxing! We started our day off with a trip to Costco (typical Sunday activity) and came home turned on some candles and my Scentsy and watched my amazing Costco find -  The Santa Clause!  

Another Costco score ended in total dissapointment. We usually love the Aussie Style Licorice, but the Marionberry flavor was no bueno! Not worth it at all!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sunny Saturday

It is a beautiful Fall day in Washington today!

I am loving it!

Hope your weekend if off to a good start :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Here we are - week two of Thankful Thursday.

This week I am extremely Thankful for my family. My parents, brother and puppy KC make up the lovely "K" Family. I love my family more then anything - I would choose my family over anything and I value them with all of my heart. We have always been close, but as I get older I love my parents even more and my relationship with my brother gets stronger and stronger.

Thankful Thursday
I am also thinking up for the weekend blog hop :) Come check it out!
At Home Take 2

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What I'm Loving

Happy Hump Day.
I woke up and thought it was Tuesday - I am thankful it isn't.
Linking up today for What I'm Loving Wednesday.
I am loving that RHOBH is back on. I started last nights episode but was distracted by the election results and was so tired that I only got through the first few minutes.. you know what I will be doing tonight!
I am loving that my best friend asked me to be in her wedding last night! This makes me so excited and feel so honored.

I have kept my posts political free but today I am loving that this election is over and our country can move forward. I believe that no matter who we voted for that we put all differences aside and trust the leadership of our country. Go America!
I am loving the show How I Met Your Mother. Thank you Netflix for having 6 seasons airing! I love Marshall and Lily. My husband may or may not have called me his Lilypad last night. So cute!
I am not a huge lover of skinny jeans - but Old Navy has a great selection right now. Affordable, stylish and comfortable. Old Navy I am loving your clothes right now (it is usually an extremely hit or miss for me at that store)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

18.3 Lost

Last night was my second weigh in.
I was so excited for this one. I had completed two solid weeks nearly error free and had pushed my body so hard. I got through Halloween candy free and rewarded myself with healthy options. I met with my trainer, walked and walk and walked, took all of my supplements religiously - I played my cards right.
I got on the scale.
And only lost only 5.1 pounds.
Disappointment crept over my body and I teared up. I obviously knew I would not be loosing the 13.2 I lost two weeks earlier but I had worked so hard that I was assuming I would have a solid 10 pound loss.
So here I am, day 25 and my mind is still in the right place. I have to many reasons to keep going that are motivating me and encouraging me to stay on track. Loosing 18.3 pounds in 28 days is an accomplishment in itself and I need to remember that.
Here is to a new day, a fresh start, two weeks until my next weigh in. I CAN and I WILL do this. I appreciate all of the love, support, motivation and questions that my readers have had. You all can do it too. Weight loss is hard but it is achievable.

Tuesday Topics

Ah - the million dollar question.

So happy that Lauren and Tiffany are back in action with their link-up! I have missed these.

Ten things I would do with a million dollars.

1. Pay off all debt. Which would be pretty easy if we had a million dollars.

2. Buy a brand new house. Nothing over the top - modest but big enough to raise a family in. A white picket fence would not hurt either :)

3. Go on a cruise to the Caribbean.

4. Shopping spree... yes please!

5. Personal training a the gym. I am tired of having to say no to things that would help me health wise because of the lack of money and the high expense personal training sessions are.

6. Have another wedding. To John obviously. I loved getting married obviously for the love part BUT it was so much fun to have all of the most important people in my life all in one room celebrating.

7. Buy a brand new car.

8. Save a little for a rainy day.

9. Donate to a charity that is close to me.

10. Pay my parents back for the money they spent on me for college.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012



I am having a hard time finding it.

Tomorrow is my 2nd weigh in. The past two weeks have been more of a mind struggle then anything. I have had to focus more on my thoughts and how I develop my habits from what I am thinking and feeling. That my friends has been hard. 

I have not lost sight of my goal and still know what I need to do to keep on keepin on.. but I also am realistic and know I have a long road ahead of me.

I appreciate all of the kind words and the people that have reached out to me through this amazing blog community. The motivation, support and love really is so encouraging and for that I give thanks. 


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Simply Red

Today is a big day.
Happy Red Cup Day!!!!!!
Like I said, really big day.

Tis' the Season my loves!

Thankful Thursday

How is it already November?

As we all shift from Halloween to Thanksgiving I think it is important that we all genuinely take the time to count our blessings and give thanks for all we have.  I was excited to link up with Sarah and Meghan today and start November off right - by giving thanks.
While I have so much to be thankful for, today specifically, I am thankful to have a roof over my head, power and accessibility to places that I need to be. My heart goes out to all affected by Hurricane Sandy. My struggles and problems seem so small compared to the devastation the East Coast has experienced this past week.

My husband is also someone I am extremely thankful for. An amazing man, with an amazing heart that I care so deeply about. He is my rock. I am so happy that I have him in my life and that God brought us together.

Thankful Thursday